My ultrasound was scheduled for Friday, Jan 16 2009. I was quite nervous because ...well...of the miscarraige I had on August 21 2008. My thoughts were hopeful, yet cautious. I found out I was pregnant again on December 19th. I was so happy...but so cautious. I had to wait on pins and needles for 3 more weeks until the ultrasound.
It was time. Neil came with me. As the tech was doing the ultrasound I was watching her face. She looked so made me concerned...but I was trying to be patient and wait my turn to see the screen. She couldn't tell me if the heart was beating...but she could show me. What TORTURE! So I waited almost a half an hour watching a stranger look at my baby and type while I waited and seemed as if time stood still for a moment and I could hear the clock tick second by second. It was then time...but she told me to go to the restroom and then come back. MORE WAITING...I never (you know what) so quickly in my life. I raced back to the room and waited some more...tick tick tick:)
Finally the time came and she pulled the table down, and the screen around. BINGO...A HEARTBEAT. Such a tiny heart...and a little flicker...butterflies in my tummy:) I was amazed that this little human bean (litterally the size of a bean) had a little heart...probably the size of a pin head. And it was BEATING! That was the most beautiful thing I've seen lately..(except my kids faces). I am blessed...overwhelmed...and oh... sick:) I know that once I hold little one in my arms, all the nausea, tiredness, and jitters will be worth it all. God is so very faithful!!! YEAH BABY!!!
The red mark is where the heart is beating..and the blue is just more blood flow.
Hi Friend! Welcome to the bloggy world. Love the layout. I am so happy for you and your family. I was praying for you to get pregnant and now look a beating heart. God is so good!