Thursday, January 29, 2009

A Tribute to my Dad, Paul Moore....9/28/33 to 1/27/07

Ok....I'm still figuring out how to label these pictures directly above...but havn't figured that out yet. So I will describe the pictures here. #1 Is Dad and Beckie (step mom) on Christmas eve (dad's last Christmas). #2 Is me and Dad...last Christmas together. #3 is just good ol pops. #4 is all the grand/ and great grand kids # 5 Is Dad roasting my mom (MaryEllen) at her 70th birthday party. #6 is me and my sis Renee at the funeral. # 7 is me and my sis Terry at the funeral. # 8 is a great photo of my mom who gave birth to their 7 kids together. #9 & 10 are pictures and memorabilia I put together for a tribute to my Dad's 73 years. #11 is Beckie, my bother Kevin, and his wife Chris at the burial site. # 12/13 & 14 are pictures of the tiny casket my Dad's remains were in. He was cremated...and it was so strange for me to see him in such a tiny replica of a casket. But those were his wishes. # 15 was all of us at the burial site. It was a lovely burial service. Sorry to all my other brothers and sisters that I didn't have pictures of you to post...LOVE YOU ALL!

So yeah, it's been 2 years...and since I've never blogged before, I wanted to do a tribute to my dad! He died from compications of Lung cancer. He smoked for 50 something years and it took it's tole. So sad to see him go like that. I prayed for my dad for 16 years to recieve Jesus in his heart...and 6 months before he died he made that decision right in my living room...HOW COOL IS THAT! Dad got neumonia in January 2007 and he lived for 1 more week after that. Mostly he was unconscious. I spent a lot of time with him in the hospital that week...along with all my family members. He was a crochity old guy (and I do say that respectfully and ..actually...comically...cuz my dad could be real funny...he was one STAND OUT character!) He was, and still is dearly loved.

My dad was married to my mom (MaryEllen you mom!) for 35 years...and 7 children later. They divorced when I grew up and he remarried Beckie (love you Beckie). My dad did know how to pick amazing women! My Mom and Beckie became friends...and are still friends. We celebrated the Holidays and all kinds of other events together...YES...MOM AND BECKIE AND DAD...TOGETHER. For a divorced family, you couldn't ask for a better situation:) So at the funeral, mom and Beckie stood up at the front together and shared their sentiments of my Dad...then my mom said..(pointing to Beckie) "I gave him to her...chuckle chuckle" .....OH MY....thank goodness everybody laughed! It was a most wonderful memorial service. A video was made and the 7 of us kids all shared stories about him. It was a celebration of our Dad gone to be with Jesus.

Oh...I prayed that I would be able to be there with him WHILE he was passing from this life to the next. It was so important to me to hold his hand while he was passing. Well, God far surpassed my prayers. My WHOLE family was there. His kidney's failed and we all gathered together in a circle. Neil (my hubby) prayed and we were all there comforting one another. We took my dad off the blood pressure medicine. I stood by rubbing his legs and I looked at the heart machine...then it said ----------- no heartbeat. We all cried...but I looked up and waved and said..."Bye for now Dad....give Jesus a hug from me".

It was such a special time seeing my Dad pass peacefully. I had so much peace, joy, and pain...yes pain. It hurts to say goodbye and it hurts to see someone suffer. But I realized at that moment "how precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of his saints". I see death so differently since I experienced this. It'll never be easy or painless...but it really is a celebration to go home with Jesus. It is another chapter of our life...the best one! I don't really want to go any time soon...but I know it'll be special when I do!!! SO HERE'S TO YOU DAD! ...SEE YOU WHEN I GET THERE!

Monday, January 26, 2009

It's Gonna Be Worth It All!

This is my beautiful fam up in Big of our favorite vacation spots! As you see...there are 4 of us. Well, Neil & I (with the inspiration of God's will I'm sure:) decided we weren't finished with 2 kids. We just felt like something was missing. you probably noticed...number 3 is working hard growing in me. I am now about 9 weeks. And I say the baby is working hard because I FEEL the work. I started this blog...and I have intended every night to write inspiring things...but the only thing inspiring is my body on the couch! I am 37 and I can feel the difference from when I was pregnant at 27. Don't get me wrong...I was a bit sick then too...but it's a little more intensified this time. Most people get morning sickness...well I get 3:00 and beyond sickness. I actually feel great in the mornings. I'm really glad I didn't know it would be like this...or I may not have taken that leap of faith to have another baby. Just being brutely honest. ...But I AM extatic...every time I think about holding the little one in my arms I get teary eyed. I know my kids are going to love the baby...cuz they love little ones! The last 2 days ...everytime I sit...I'm sleeping. I was reading to Bradley today...and I fell asleep. He was like..MOMMY...WAKE UP! I kinda feel bad for my kids...they aren't used to seeing me sick often and a little crankier. I know God will get me through. And I know that through all of this " it's gonna be worth it all". That is how I'm looking at this. I have to remind myself that I'll go back to normal after the baby...OK OK...MAYBE NOT...but hopefully physically is all I mean!!! I'm so grateful to all my friends who have been praying for me...I have an awesome family, church family, friends, and most hubby. Yesterday he cooked and let me sleep! How awesome is he! Tonight I was able to peel myself off the couch and actually make chocolate chip cookies with the kiddos...they were grateful. I've had to lean on the Lord with all that I have - He truly is EVERYTHING! I've been so sick some days that my faith has been shaken....but that is when I not only called on the Lord, I called on my friends to pray. I was lifted up and so encouraged. Whenever we are lacking in ANYTHING...we just need to pray and reach out...we're not in this life alone...I need you...and you need me. No matter what you are going through...I know that God is faithful and His love will supply ALL your needs. Let me know if I can pray for you...cuz I asked for faith...and He gave it to I can use that faith to pray for you:)

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

What would you change?

It all started with Kelsie and Bradley in the Mommavan...

Kelsie - "Bradley...if you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?"


Mommy - (Hmmm...I wonder what he'll say?)


Mommy - (Is there anything going on in his little mind?)

Bradley - "Welllllll, I would change that I wouldn't have crushes on girls!!!"

Mommy - " you have a crush on someone?"

Bradley - big smile .."Yes" (in a disgusted tone)

Mommy - "who?"

Bradley - "So and so" ...come on, I have to give my boy SOME privacy you know!

Mommy - "That's ok....just be her'll have lot's of crushes...that's normal"

Mommy - (sorry son, that'll never change you little casanova you!...tee hee!)

It made me think...Kristie...what would you change about yourself? Well, the mental list started to get too long...starting from outer inner every part:) Then I realized..I have changed (quite a bit)...and will continue to change from glory to glory, right? Not because I've changed myself...but because He is changing me as I keep seeking Him. The only thing I want to turn into is a little bit more like my heavenly father day by day. I know He may never be done with me until the day I die. So I choose just to lay my life at His feet and take in the good times, the hard times, the hurting times, the exciting times, the lonely times, the 'I AM SO STUPID' times, the 'did I really just say that?' times, the 'yes you did just say that' times, the 'I am so humbled' times, the crying times, the encouraging times, the being challenged times, the laughing times, and the spending times with the ones I love most times. I guess I wouldn't change anything that God brings my way in a long as it contributes to my growth and change. I except life and what it brings my way today. Ok, so that is my deep and philosophical thoughts for the day. I know I know...I am kinda wierd that way...but I guess that's part of who I am...wierd!

Monday, January 19, 2009

Our 3rd Edition

My ultrasound was scheduled for Friday, Jan 16 2009. I was quite nervous because ...well...of the miscarraige I had on August 21 2008. My thoughts were hopeful, yet cautious. I found out I was pregnant again on December 19th. I was so happy...but so cautious. I had to wait on pins and needles for 3 more weeks until the ultrasound.

It was time. Neil came with me. As the tech was doing the ultrasound I was watching her face. She looked so made me concerned...but I was trying to be patient and wait my turn to see the screen. She couldn't tell me if the heart was beating...but she could show me. What TORTURE! So I waited almost a half an hour watching a stranger look at my baby and type while I waited and seemed as if time stood still for a moment and I could hear the clock tick second by second. It was then time...but she told me to go to the restroom and then come back. MORE WAITING...I never (you know what) so quickly in my life. I raced back to the room and waited some more...tick tick tick:)

Finally the time came and she pulled the table down, and the screen around. BINGO...A HEARTBEAT. Such a tiny heart...and a little flicker...butterflies in my tummy:) I was amazed that this little human bean (litterally the size of a bean) had a little heart...probably the size of a pin head. And it was BEATING! That was the most beautiful thing I've seen lately..(except my kids faces). I am blessed...overwhelmed...and oh... sick:) I know that once I hold little one in my arms, all the nausea, tiredness, and jitters will be worth it all. God is so very faithful!!! YEAH BABY!!!

The red mark is where the heart is beating..and the blue is just more blood flow.

Friday, January 9, 2009

I've Finally Begun!

Well, I finally did it...I made a blog. Seems I have a lot to learn with all the fun little things to add...but I am very excited! I am going to post this little note just to see how it works...and then I will begin the adventure:)

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